9020(HKD) Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Brazilian Real(BRL)

9020(HKD) Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Brazilian Real(BRL) Currency Rates Today

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Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Brazilian Real(BRL)

This is the page of Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Brazilian Real (BRL) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Brazilian Real(BRL) To Hong Kong Dollar(HKD).

9020 HKD


6825.27267 BRL

9020 Brazilian Real To Hong Kong Dollar

Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 01,2025 06:58 UTC

Full history please visit HKD/BRL History

Convert Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Brazilian Real(BRL)

1 HKD =0.75668 BRL1.32156 HKD =1 BRL
2 HKD =1.51336 BRL2.64312 HKD =2 BRL
5 HKD =3.78341 BRL6.60779 HKD =5 BRL
10 HKD =7.56682 BRL13.21559 HKD =10 BRL
15 HKD =11.35023 BRL19.82338 HKD =15 BRL
20 HKD =15.13364 BRL26.43118 HKD =20 BRL
25 HKD =18.91705 BRL33.03897 HKD =25 BRL
50 HKD =37.83411 BRL66.07795 HKD =50 BRL

Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Brazilian Real(BRL) History Graph

History Exchange Rate

DateHong Kong DollarBrazilian Real
Friday 28/02/20259020 HKD =6825.27267 BRL
Thursday 27/02/20259020 HKD =6774.17907 BRL
Wednesday 26/02/20259020 HKD =6735.39803 BRL
Tuesday 25/02/20259020 HKD =6660.32335 BRL
Monday 24/02/20259020 HKD =6706.25743 BRL
Sunday 23/02/20259020 HKD =6654.88504 BRL
Saturday 22/02/20259020 HKD =6654.67868 BRL
Friday 21/02/20259020 HKD =6655.3229 BRL
Thursday 20/02/20259020 HKD =6615.10118 BRL
Wednesday 19/02/20259020 HKD =6635.44229 BRL

Full history please visit HKD/BRL Exchange Rates History

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Popular Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) Pairing

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